Information from the authorities in Dak Lak said that a 16-year-old male teenager named Nguyen Anh Hoang was driving a sleeper car, which the person who beat him was responsible for taking care of, he drove away for about 2.5 km, got stuck.
Hoang continued to be clarified by the Buon Ma Thuot City Police for secretly driving the car of Vuong Chi’s garage to hide it elsewhere.
Hoang told the authorities that a month ago he worked as an assistant at Vuong Chi’s garage, along with other employees of the garage, eating and drinking at Mr. Danh Thua’s motel room in Buon Ma Thuot City, Vietnam.
Vietnam Private Detective – During the drinking party, Hoang and Mr. Thua contradicted and had an argument. The teenager was slapped by this guy, so he took a taxi to the intercity bus station in the North of Dak Lak to continue drinking with some other people.
Late on the same day, angry about being beaten, Hoang went to the car with a bed – Mr. Thua worked as a car assistant, using black tape to glue the camera’s eyes.
The teenager drove a car for more than 2.5 km to Giai Phong Street, Tan Loi Ward, Buon Ma Thuot City, when he got bogged down and slept in the car.
Hoang said that while driving the car, he looked at the driver, so he learned how to drive. When he was beaten by Mr. Thua, he was so angry that he drove his car to hide it to take revenge.
Private detective service in Vietnam